I always love to paint water. I was born by the sea in Scarborough - maybe that explains it? or maybe it is the calm that being near rivers and lakes brings?
The paintings on this page include work that was part of a 3 year project to paint the River Frome in Stroud 'From Source to Severn'
Prices do not include post and packaging
please contact me for more details if you wish to buy
50 x 50 cm oil on board SOLD
SOLD Oil on board 40 x 40 cm plein air painting available from Prema Arts Centre until 21st October 2023
Oil on board 40 x 40 cm plein air painting £395 framed
Oil on Board 22 x 28 cm plein air painting SOLD
Oil on board 40 x 40 cm plein air painting £395 framed Available from June 26, 2024 at Tetbury Goods Shed exhibition 'Nature's Garden'
Oil on board 40 x 40 cm plein air painting £395 framed
70 x 70 cm oil on deep canvas plein air £795 framed
40 x 40 cm oil on board £395
70 x 70 cm oil on deep canvas plein air £795 framed
50 x 50 cm oil on board plein air £495 framed
40 x 40 cm oil on board plein air painting SOLD at Tetbury Goods Shed exhibition 'Nature's Garden'
20 x 30 cm oil on board plein air painting £275 available from Spencer House Gallery Tetbury
20 x 30 cm oil on board plein air painting £275 available from Spencer House Gallery Tetbury
50 x 50 cm oil on board plein air £495 framed
70 x 70 cm oil on deep canvas plein air £795 framed
Oil on museum board 22 x 22 cm in 34 x 34 cm frame £295 framed